February 5, 2015

Healthy Living | 99 Pounds to Go...

Hello Beauties!

It's hard to believe it's been over two months since I wrote my first healthy living post.  At the time I wrote it, it was right after discovering I was having a few health issues that definitely couldn't be ignored.  For the past month, I have thought about updating you all about how I was doing on my new journey.  Now that the holidays are over and I'm a month into my new job, I figured this would be a great time to update you on how I'm doing.

The Journey

I now see why people call it a healthy living journey.  This is hard.  Even though it's hard, I'm determined.  I have decided to take the slow approach to healthy living because I want this to be a lifestyle and not something I only do for a few weeks.  I've realized from talking to my good friend, Whitney Nic James, starting slow can be a better approach for some people because it allows you to make subtle changes that you're more likely to stick to.  In the last two months, I've mainly been getting adjusted to making wiser food choices and becoming accustomed to working out.

Eating Habits

One of the habits I had while commuting to work for seven months was picking up food on the go.  It was rarely ever a healthy choice.  It was usually my favorite things like buttery grits and sweet tea.  Now that I live only 15 minutes from my job, I am trying to develop new habits.  I am cooking with less salt and eating less fried items.  I choose grilled as much as I can even when it hurts and trust me, sometimes it hurts.

One great part of the journey is that I have always been a pretty big water drinker.  I am just trying to increase the amount and remember to put lemon in the water, which has always been great for clear skin.  I am also trying to ween myself off of so many sweets.  I try to pick up snack bars with dark chocolate so that whenever a sweet craving occurs, it's handled.  My goal this month is to purchase a Nutribullet to have more nutrient rich breakfasts and get some morning energy.

Crockpot Turkey Chili - Recipe

Working Out

I knew going into my healthy living journey that working out would be the hardest part for me.  I have never been a fan of working out.  Never!  Instead of getting a gym membership and possibly wasting money, I decided that the first few times of working out, I would pay as I go and only pay for the class I'm participating in that day.  I joined two Saturday classes at EM Creative Fitness and Wellness.

I took a Christian aerobics class and zumba.  I can hardly believe I made it through a 60 minute class each time, but by the grace of God, I did.  I haven't been able to visit the gym in four weeks due to a few reasons, but I purchased a 10 class pass so I'm hoping to put it to use this month.

Weight Loss

Weight loss is such a funny thing.  Well, not really.  In total, I have lost two pounds of weight in two months.  I'm not proud of it, but I would rather it be a loss than a gain.  Unfortunately, I carry water weight due to birth control so that sometimes fluctuates, but my highest weight since beginning my journey is two pounds less than what I weighed before.  Because of this, my weight loss ranges between the two to seven pound range at times.

Overall, I feel getting back in the gym this month will yield better results.  Also, I think the Nutribullet will help me lose and feel energized too!  I'm 99 pounds from my goal...

Follow me on Facebook & Instagram to see my daily journey!

How did you jump start your healthy living journey?  How do you move past slumps in the journey?

God bless & stay fabellis,

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