October 25, 2012

The Blue Pants

Hello Beauties!

If you know me, you know I love a great bargain!  A few weeks ago, I shared on Facebook that H&M was having a great clearance sale.  Needless to say, I racked up!  The funny thing is that I went two days in a row and on the first day, a particular pair of blue pants stood out to me.  I didn't get them because they were a few sizes too big or so I thought.  The next day, I went back and they were still there.  Alas, they were meant for me!  

I decided to pair up these bright blue pants with my favorite print ever... Polkadots!

Sweater:  Target (Similar) | NecklaceL A Lynn's Accessory Shoppe | Pants:  H&M (Another Affordable Pair)

God bless & stay fabellis!
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