Happy Monday! I want to personally thank each and every one of you who view my blog. Creating this blog was an idea I had early in the year and with encouragement of friends, I chose to create it and stick with it. It means a lot to me that many of you take the time to read it and comment on it. In appreciation of YOU, I wanted to do a small giveaway. Check it out...
Giveaway Includes:
- Sephora by OPI Chic Prints for Nails (Tiger)
- INCOCO Nail Polish Strips (Zebra)
- Blinc Mascara
- Lash Card Mascara Shields
- Must be a follower [Google Friend Connect] of FabEllis.
- Must be 18 or older.
- Must leave a comment below listing your favorite nail color.
- Must include your e-mail address in the comment.
- This is open to international followers.
Note: Only ONE entry per follower.
October 23, 2011 @ 11:59 p.m.
(I will be using a randomizer to choose the winner)
Good luck & God bless!
(Please let me know if you have any questions!)