October 17, 2011

Product Monday: Sephora by OPI Chic Prints GIVEAWAY!!! [CLOSED]

Hello Beauties!

Happy Monday!  I want to personally thank each and every one of you who view my blog.  Creating this blog was an idea I had early in the year and with encouragement of friends, I chose to create it and stick with it.  It means a lot to me that many of you take the time to read it and comment on it.  In appreciation of YOU, I wanted to do a small giveaway.  Check it out...

Giveaway Includes:
  • Sephora by OPI Chic Prints for Nails (Tiger)
  • INCOCO Nail Polish Strips (Zebra)
  • Blinc Mascara
  • Lash Card Mascara Shields
Many of you may remember that my first Product Monday posting was on Sephora by OPI Chic Prints.  Also, many of these items are top rated beauty products from Glamour magazine!

  •  Must be a follower [Google Friend Connect] of FabEllis.
  • Must be 18 or older.
  • Must leave a comment below listing your favorite nail color.
  • Must include your e-mail address in the comment.
  • This is open to international followers.

Note:  Only ONE entry per follower.

October 23, 2011 @ 11:59 p.m.
(I will be using a randomizer to choose the winner)

Good luck & God bless!

(Please let me know if you have any questions!)
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