Two things that help me start my day are prayer and reading my devotional. If you follow me on Instagram or Twitter, you are likely familiar with me sharing portions of my devotional daily. Some parts of my devotional are so good that I know they may bless someone else so I started sharing them several years ago. One portion of my devotional this week talked about friendship and provided a prayer for the friendships in your life. It was so good that I have read it over and over again throughout the week. I thought it would be awesome to share a variation of the prayer here on the blog.
Praying over your friendships is so important because people you keep close often have the biggest influence in your life. That's why you often hear people say that the right friendships can help you smile more, level up and live your best life. The same could be said for negative relationships, too. If you hang around the wrong people, negativity will soon follow. So it's important to pray about all of the relationships in your life.
Take a look at the prayer of friendship below:
The Prayer for Friendship
"Lord, I pray for the people You've brought into my life. Bless the healthy relationships and give me wisdom to handle the difficult ones in ways that please and honor You. If there are friendships I need to step away from, ones that will be harmful to me, show me what to do and give me the grace and confidence to do it. If there are relationships that are draining and causing me to stray from Your plan and purpose, I trust You to bring them to an end or change them for the better.
When I'm the one that needs to change, please show me and work in my life with Your incredible power. I need You and Your wisdom to recognize the friends and associates needed in my life. Help me to stay clear of relationships that lead me away from the path You have chosen for me. Please send people into my life who are godly and wise so that we can bless, encourage, strengthen and contribute to the quality of each other's lives.
Please show me the friendships that are worth fighting for. Lord, I ask that you be Lord of all my relationships. I pray that all of my friendships will be what You would have them to be. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen!"
What do you think of the prayer for friendship? Are there any things you would add?
God bless & stay fab,